Step By Step Mixing: How To Create Great Mixes Using Only 5 Plug-ins (Audio Issues Book 1) __HOT__ Downloads
This section explains how to use the tools at your disposal to create a good mix. Often we see new producers mixing and mastering at the same time, getting confused and ending up with disappointing results. Similarly, we observe many on never-ending search for 'mastering' plugins that will magically make mixes sound 'professional'. Be assured, everything you need to make a professional sounding mix is provided with the stock FL Studio installation. The rest can be achieved with some practice and by trusting your ears. In this section we'll consider:Setting output mix levelsUsing peak metersMaking tracks louder!The dB scale used on metersSetting Output Mix LevelsHow to accurately set the levels of your final mix.OverviewThere are two places where the overall output level (volume) of FL Studio can be adjusted -Main volume knob.Master Mixer track fader, see the 'Mixer reference diagram' below.The Monitor Volume knob has no effect on rendered levels - It is designed to allow you to adjust monitoring levels without affecting the mix level. The following discussion applies only to the Master Mixer fader.How to adjust levels of the final mixTo ensure the Master mixer track level is an accurate reflection of the final output:Adjust Mixer Track Faders and/or Channel volume knobs to obtain the relative instrument levels you desire in the mix.Use the Master Track fader to adjust the final level. Consider also, placing Fruity Limiter in the last FX bank of the master track. Limiting is a form of automatic peak volume control.Following the above steps will ensure the Master track peak meter. Orange peaks (over 0 dB) will indicate clipping in the final output or rendered mix, as depicted below.Sampler Channels vs Audio ClipsIf you are paying particularly close (and possibly unhealthy) attention to the output levels of Samples playing from Sampler Channels, you may notice they are a few dB down on their level whenplayed as Audio Clips in the Playlist. There are three reasons for this:Sampler Channels load at a default 55% volume, about -5.2 dB. This 'feature' is to prevent clipping when several Channel Samplers are used together and alsoto allow some extra headroom for note/step velocity modulation. The assumption is that Channel Samplers will be used as 'instruments' and so you will be playing (see the next point) and mixing them to sound right'in the mix'. If a Channel Sampler is too quiet, turn it up.Sampler Channels respond to note velocity. The default note velocity in FL Studio is 100 (MIDI = 0 to 127). If a sample is too quiet you can also play it louder.Sampler Channels respond to the default Circular Panning Law. This reduces the sample gain by -3 dB at center pan, tapering to 0 dB at the extreme L/R panpositions.Audio Clips include integrated volume envelope and gain controls, per slice, that can change levels from -∞ to +36 dB.So together the default load state for a Channel Sampler can be 8.2 dB lower than the recorded level. If you absolutely need a sample to render at its recorded level, load it as anAudio Clip by dropping your samples on the Playlist (these default to 100% volume, 0 dB). Finally, make sure the Master level is set so peaks don't exceed 0 dB.NOTE: For VST instruments, 6 dB of compensation is added. If VST is set to 0 dB internally,at default Channel Sampler settings the level is 2.2 dB lower than the recorded level, instead of the 8.2 dB for FL native plugins.
Step By Step Mixing: How To Create Great Mixes Using Only 5 Plug-ins (Audio Issues Book 1) Downloads